Increase Your Chances Of Getting Laid By 43% mack tactics MACK Tactics : The Science of Seduction Meets the Art of Hostage Negotiation
Increase Your Chances Of Getting Laid By 43% mack tactics MACK Tactics : The Science of Seduction Meets the Art of Hostage Negotiation Here's a quick story about a date I had last night. Now, when you're trying to score with a woman, you've got to eliminate her feelings of UNCERTAINTY. Women have all kinds of reasons to NOT talk to us, to NOT give us their phone number, to NOT go on a date, and to NOT have sex with us. And a lot of this is because they don't feel SECURE with you yet. So here's a real fast tip if you want to take a woman on a date... Don't offer to pick her up. This might set off "red flags" in her mind. If she barely knows you, she might not want you to know where she lives. This is understandable. A lot of guys (not like you) have stalker-ish tendencies, and maybe she's been through this with a guy before. Or maybe she knows a girl w...